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            Welcome to Skate Muskoka! 


PreCan & CanSkate

Skate Muskoka is proud to announce that we have achieved an "Exceeded Standard" rating by Skate Ontario for our PreCan & Canskate Programs. 

The CanSkate program incorporates fun with the basics of skating forwards and backwards, stopping, turning, jumping, spinning, and edges. The program consists of 6 Stages taught in order of difficulty to ensure a natural skills progression.

CanSkate is Skate Canada’s flagship learn-to-skate program, designed for beginners of all ages. When you sign up for CanSkate you will be in a program that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development. You will earn badges and ribbons as you learn fundamental skating skills.

Lessons are given in a group format and led by a certified professional coach. Professional coaches are assisted by trained Program Assistants. The coach to student ratio is a maximum of 1:10. Skaters progress at their own rate and coaches make sessions active using teaching aids, music and a wide variety of activities that create a fun environment and promote learning. CanSkate is the feeder program to all other Skate Canada Skating Programs, and is presented by BMO Financial Group, reflecting their commitment to grassroots development.


Parent & Tot

With the use of interactive games and activities, we encourage young skaters to become comfortable on the ice. Children in the Parent & Tot program will be taught to stand on their own, fall down, get up and basic forward skating skills. 

Each Skater is required to have one adult accompany them during the class. Adults must wear skates to participate and may be required to wear a helmet. Siblings will not be allowed on the ice with the skater and Parent. Skaters MUST wear a CSA approved "hockey" helmet. A Skate Canada membership fee must be paid for parents in addition to the program fee.  This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable and will only cover the Parent registered to participate in the class. 




Rising Stars

The Rising Stars Program is intended as an introduction to figure skating. The program is a bridge program between Canskate and Starskate and is designed for skaters who want to learn figure skating skills. 

The Rising Stars program combines a fun and enthusiastic atmosphere to learn the basic skills of figure skating at a young age. Skaters in this program will also have the opportunity to showcase their skills in their own carnival routine at the end of the season. 

*Skaters must have completed Canskate Stage 3. Wearing figure skates and a CSA approved helmet are mandatory.  



The Skate Canada STARskate Program consists of figure skating skills in four areas- Skills, Dance, FreeSkate and Artistic. Each area is divided into the following levels:

  • Star 1-5 Skills
  • Star 1-5 Dance
  • Star 1-5 Freeskate
  • Star 5 Artistic

*All Star 1-5 levels are assessed by a coach

  • Star 6-Gold Skills 
  • Star 6-Gold Dance
  • Star 6-Gold Freeskate
  • Star 7, 9 & Gold Artistic
  • Diamond Dances

*Star 6-Gold Skills may be assessed by a qualified coach. All other Star 6-Gold tests must be performed in front of a Skate Canada evaluator on a scheduled test day

Once a skater is in the StarSkate Program, there are several options. Skaters may choose to remain in the Starskate program, taking tests (although not mandatory) and practicing new skills. Skaters may also choose to enter competitions, while continuing to  take tests. Other skaters may feel that they have progressed to a point where they may wish to enter the Skate Canada Podium Pathway or become involved in synchronized skating, judging, coaching or participating as an Adult or Varsity skater. 


Our Sessions: 

Junior StarSkate sessions are recommended for skaters who have completed Canskate Stage 6.  These sessions will include up to 75% coaching within the session, leaving a short amount of time for private lessons at the end of each session.
Intermediate B StarSkate sessions are recommended for skaters who have passed all Star 1 tests. Skaters will receive up to 50% of coaching on a session with time for individual practice and private lessons.
Intermediate A StarSkate sessions are recommended for skaters who have passed the complete Star 3 Dance test and Star 3 Skills. Skaters will receive up to 50% of coaching on a session with time for individual practice and private lessons.
Senior StarSkate sessions are recommended for skaters who have passed both parts of the Star 3 Freeskate test, Star 5 Skills and the complete Star 5 Dance test. Sessions include up to 25% coaching within the session, leaving the majority of the time for skaters to practice their programs, individual elements, and work privately with a coach.
Open Ice sessions are for skaters registered in Intermediate and Senior StarSkate. There is no club lesson time on open ice. All lessons must be arranged privately with a coach. 
* changes may be made at the discretion of the coaching staff to ensure safety to all skaters on a session


Theatre on Ice

Theater on ice is a fun, artistic expression program that encourages skaters to explore their creativity, performance and acting. It is a program which requires a team effort, where everyone works together to achieve goals.
Skaters are introduced to showcase and synchronized skating elements. Skaters will be encouraged to learn visually spectacular figure skating moves and work with props.
Group and Production showcase routines will be created with the goal of taking these programs to competitions and shows. All Group Showcase competition entry and coaching fees are included in your Theatre registration as well as end of year Carnival registration fees. 

*Theatre on Ice is open to Skate Muskoka Intermediate and SR STARSkaters from Star 2-Gold. Skaters must be registered for at least 1 day of skating with Skate Muskoka in addition to the Theatre Program.


Skate Muskoka is grateful for the generous financial support from the Canadian Tire Jump Start Charity
If you want to skate, Jumpstart can help! Their Individual Child Grants help families cover the costs of participating in sport and recreation.